Friday, February 13, 2009

Your Body Loves You (Do You Love it Back?)

Here's a quick test to see if you have body image issues:

Do you have a body?

If you answered yes, chances are you share the practically universal condition of having some form of frustration, anxiety or disappointment about the stuff inside your skin. But here's the weird part - if nearly everybody does have some issue with their body, and the problems all stem from some unfavorable comparison to other people's bodies, who wins?

Even though it may seem irrational when it's laid out like that, it's a hard concept to release. And then we often compound the problem by taking the functions of the body (which are vastly more important than what it looks like) for granted, and ignoring the body's need to be used and taken care of. We always think it will be around when we get to it. It may be, but it won't always be in the "ready-to-roll" state we expect it to be as the years pass unnoticed.

So why am I talking about this?

I don't just want you to eat better and exercise for a few days or weeks. I want you to WANT to do it, and for the right reasons. Then you'll do it for the rest of your life. Your body will help make your life so much better if you spend a little time thinking about (and acting on) it's needs. And if you do, you'll look great too - what a deal!

Don't you think it's time to stop being frustrated with your body? You're not mad at the dog for getting mangy if you never bath or brush him, right? We don't curse the grass for continuing to grow if we're forget to cut it for a few weeks, do we?

Think about the body of a dancer, a surfer or a gymnast. They don't do the work to have great looking physiques. They do the work because they know how the body can perform with the right treatment. But they look awesome too!

A little bit of that attitude goes a long way in creating a new body that you're truly going to love. And it will love you back by delivering the goods.

Aren't you excited about what you're both going to accomplish together?

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