Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A "Well" of Friendship

Since I started this website (, I've been amazed at the wonderful people I've met who share my vision of creating a robust and growing true wellness community. I define a community as a group of people with shared interests or values, who look out for each other and want to help each other realize their potential and serve a greater purpose.

But developing the website and the supporting resources has also allowed me to reconnect and expand relationships I've had for some time as well. Today I had lunch with a terrific guy I met several years ago when we were involved in a non-profit organization that never got off the ground, although we've stayed in touch over the years. His history is not that different from mine - he was in the corporate world for a long time before deciding to start his own business. That prompted him to open the Fleet Feet Sports store in Pleasanton. After a successful run (no pun intended) he started a race event timing and management company and now handles over 50 events a year, primarily in the SF bay area. His success is a testament to his passion, his brains, his work ethic and his extraordinary ability to build and maintain relationships.

If there's one aspect of wellness that doesn't get the attention it deserves, it's the importance of building strong, healthy relationships. If you are committed to a life of purpose and vitality, there are few more important areas to address in your life.

Everything of any real meaning begins here. So think about someone you haven't seen in a while who you might be able to help out today, just to make their life a little bit easier or more rewarding, or perhaps just to brighten up their day.

The real winner will be you.

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Mark Aiton is the principal and founder of "On Your Mark Events". Check out his website (and participate in one of his events!) at:

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