Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who Cares What Others Think?

Over the years I've begun to run into several former clients here in my town and surrounding areas. Often they just greet me like an old friend, but sometimes I note a sheepish, somewhat guilty demeanor, or even an awkward admission of "falling off the (exercise) wagon and a rush of excuses about why that's the case. It's as though they feel responsible to me to keep up a certain level of fitness or body fat level.

I've even had the odd experience of running into a fellow trainer who was also a fitness model, competitor and former ESPN fitness event show host at the local market and hear her assure me that the frozen pizza in her cart was for her son's upcoming birthday party.

Was it something I said?

Let me assure your that any exercise professional worth your time is in it for one reason: to provide expertise and support to you in reaching your health and fitness goals. We don't feel primarily responsible for your success (although we do celebrate your achievements with you) and we don't beat ourselves up if you don't become our prized and most accomplished pupil.

Try to remember you're in it for yourself, and you should be.

And like someones mother once said:

"Don't worry so much about what other people are thinking about you. Because they aren't."

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