Monday, March 9, 2009

Passion and Purpose

At a birthday party for a common friend this past Saturday night, I had a conversation with a fascinating woman. She's a very talented photographer here in the SF bay area and, like many artists, has a unique and provocative way of expressing herself through her work.

Our conversation covered several topics (how we managed to have a sustained exchange over the blaring, pulsating dance music the DJ was generating was a miracle in itself) but centered on a particularly engaging common experience - passion for our work.

You can always spot the person who is deeply invested in what they do. It's never a means to a typical end, like making a bunch of money or achieving some externally defined level of acclaim. The electricity and the vitality is in the process. Often, it's apparent in the resulting product of their work. They light up when they talk about it, and they're exciting and compelling to be around.

We can find that passion in not only our work, but also in our relationships, and in our self care rituals, whether that be exercise and eating, a yoga practice, or simply a daily ritual of walking and enjoying our surroundings. With the passion comes the purpose. You just have to find your source. Above is a picture of me enjoying one of my favorite activities with one of my favorite people.

A good friend of mine (the one in the picture above) once told me that there are basically two types of people: radiators and drains.

Meet a radiator:

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