Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Challenge to Face the Truth

One thing that I know saddens and frustrates a lot of trainers is their clients' unwillingness, in some cases, to be honest with themselves. There are predictable excuses for many people that have pretty obvious translations. Here are a few:

"Diets don't work for me" = (I don't have the discipline to consistently eat healthfully)
"I don't have time to exercise" = (Other things I enjoy doing are more important to me.)
"I'm too old for that stuff" = (I've earned the right to blow off what I don't really want to do.)

But these avoidance tactics actually just make us feel even less powerful, because deep down we know that a challenge is the only way to grow, and we were built to grow. Denial and self delusion are just little tricks we need to play on ourselves because we're too smart to ignore an unpleasant but controllable situation without them.

Sounds harsh? Here's a direct challenge:

If your waist is much more than half your height in inches, you are probably at least overweight, if not obese. If you're completely honest with yourself, you probably have a good idea about roughly how much weight you could stand to lose. If it's around 30 lbs, try this - get a couple of long pillow cases, and put two gallons of water in each. Tie off the ends to make a handle behind the knot, and find a nice long hill or a few flights of stairs. Go up and down a few times, hoisting a weighted-down pillow case over each shoulder.

That's how much harder on your heart another 30 lbs would be. Now imagine how losing the thirty you currently have to spare would feel. And imagine how much less of a load you'd put on that heart you've grown so fond of (and dependent on).

Isn't it time to start being honest with yourself?

Check your own body fat using the online calculator listed third on the "Cool Tools" section of this page: http://trivalleywellness.com/hiddengems.html

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